ANP P DHQ Wardooj Badakhsan
Badakhshan Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to construct the Uniformed Police District Head Quarter for Afghan National Police for Wardooj District n Badakhshan province, Afghanistan.
ANP P DHQ Khost Farang, Baghlan
Baghlan Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to construct the Uniformed Police District Head Quarter for Afghan National Police for Khost Farang in Baghlan province, Afghanistan.
ANP FD Class A Mazar-i Sharif
Balkh Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to construct the fire depertmant for Afghan National Police for Mazar-i Sherif province, Afghanistan.
ANP BP Company Boz Areq, Balkh
Balkh Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to construct boder Police of Afghan National Police for Boz Area District, Mazar-i Sherif province, Afghanistan.
Balkh Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to construct Uniformed Police District Head Quarter for Afghan National Police, Mazar-i Sherif province, Afghanistan.
ANP UP DHQ Miramor Daykundi
Faryab Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to construct Uniformed Police District Head Quarter for Afghan National Police Qaysar District, Faryab province, Afghanistan.
ANP UP DHQ Qaysar, Faryab
Faryab Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to construct Uniformed Police District Head Quarter for Afghan National Police Qaysar District, Faryab province, Afghanistan.
ANP BP Company HQ Yaka Toot, Faryab
Faryab Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to construct Border Police Company for Afghan National Police Yaka Took District, Faryab province, Afghanistan.
ANP BP Company HQ Yaka Haji, Faryab
Faryab Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to construct Border Police Company for Afghan National Police Yaka Haji District, Faryab province, Afghanistan.
ANA Small Arms and Training Ranges, Gardez
Paktiya Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to construct Small Arms Traning Ranges for Afghan National Army Gardez, Paktiya province, Afghanistan.
ANP PRC Ghazni
Ghazni Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to construct Provincial Response Company for Afghan National Police Gazhni Province, Afghanistan.
ANP R-Police DHQ Nahur, Ghazni
Ghazni Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to construct Regional District Head Quarter for Afghan National Police Nahur District Province, Afghanistan.
ANP Moqur Infantry Kandak
Ghazni Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to construct Moqur Infamtry for Afghan National Police Kandak District, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan.
UP DHQ Jalal Abad
Nangarhar Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to construct Unifromed Police District Headquarter for Afghan National Police, Jalal Abad Province, Afghanistan.
ANP UP DHQ Sheberghan, Jawzjan
Jawjzan Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to construct Moqur Infamtry for Afghan National Police Sheberghan District, Jawzjan Province, Afghanistan.
ANA O&M NKIA Electrical Upgrades
Kabul Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed tothe operation Maintenance of Electrical Upgrades for Afghan National Army in Kabul Province, Afghanistan.
ANA Infantary Branch School Darulaman
Kabul Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to do the Construction of Infamtry for Branch School Farulaman for Afghan National Army in Kabul Province, Afghanistan.
ANP NAVC #3 Kabul
Kabul Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to do the Construction of National Army Volunteer Center for Afghan National Army in Kabul Province, Afghanistan.
ANP MFNDU Phase IIIA, Qargha Kabul
Kabul Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to do the Construction of Marshall Fahim National Defense University, Phase IIIA for Afghan National in Qargha Kabul Province, Afghanistan.
ANCOP BN & PRC#2 Kandahar
Kandahar Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc.
ANP UP DHQ Musa Kheil Khost
Kabul Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to do the Construction of Uniformed Police District Headquarter for Afghan National Police in Musa Kheil District Khost Province, Afghanistan.
Kunduz Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to do the Construction of Uniformed Police District Headquarter for Afghan National Police in Kunduz Province, Afghanistan.
ANP UP DHQ Mehterlam, Laghman
Laghman Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to do the Construction of Uniformed Police District Headquarter for Afghan National Police in Mehterlam, Laghman Province, Afghanistan.
MILCON Cargo Handling Area FOB Shank
Logar Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc.
Logar Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to do the Construction of Provincial Response Company for Afghan National Police in Logar Province, Afghanistan.
ANP MRSC Taloqan, Takhar
Takhar Province
This project signed between USACE and State Scorps Inc. This project is aimed to do the Construction of Main Road Security Company for Afghan National Police in Taloqan, Takhar Province, Afghanistan.